Experiences of Mohammed Al-Hasani

Vibers describe Mohammed as a full-time motivator

What's behind that? Read about Mohammed, his development and his daily drive at Vibe.

CV Mohammed Al-Hasani:

  • BORN on September 1st, 1997
  • STARTED on 1st of August 2019 as an IT Sales Consultant
  • IS Viber & Team Manager (after quite a few promotions in a short time)
  • WAS a Student Aviation (aviation) 
  • WORKS at Vibe Group's Amsterdam office in the Zuidas area
  • IS KNOWN for being a motivator. I really bring the energy into the team and also within my group of friends
  • LOVES sports, travelling, going out with friends and winning (yes, even at a game of monopoly)
  • MOTTO Live and let live. You always have to be focused on yourself and respect others.
  • LINKEDIN Mohammed al Hasani

What characterises Vibe for you?

What characterises Vibe for you?

"I see Vibe Group as a franchise formula. And I mean that in a very positive way! You enter here as a kind of entrepreneur. Namely, you are responsible for your own subniche within the IT niche brand you work for. Nobody else is. It really is your own 'toko' to put it that way and therefore a very nice environment to work in. You build your own network with IT professionals and clients. Furthermore, there is a lot of attention to personal development. And always a lot of fun because of all the incentives and get-togethers that are organised".

The Vibe DNA we have characterises everyone who works at Vibe. Our DNA values (Quality, Intelligence, Drive, Authenticity and Fun) can be seen in everyone. All in our own way, we go for the best result.

"I am enormously driven and goal-oriented. I work according to a system, otherwise I go crazy. Despite everyone having their own business, we at Eswelt are a close-knit team. In that team cohesion, I play a big role."

"Drive and good communication skills. I am good at sensing what kind of interlocutor I am facing and I adapt to that. Sensing and listening is key in this business."


"A major international client of mine was implementing a specific niche add-on that we as Eswelt are not actually specialised in, purely because there are hardly any IT professionals with that specialism in the Netherlands. Given the scarcity, I did not initially intend to put time into this because it is not our specialisation. The competitors did and were still unsuccessful after four weeks. Then the manager called me for help as I had helped him before with applications that seemed impossible to fill.

Given my good relationship with him, I still wanted to take that extra step and step out of my comfort zone. In the end, I put together a team from different countries internationally for him who ran the project fantastically. The manager was so happy and grateful that he sent another extensive email to my Team Manager explaining how well I had helped him in the past and with this assignment again. Those are the moments that give me a lot of energy."

The experience of

Mohammed at Vibe Group

"Drive is in my blood, that's how I grew up."

The experience of

Team Manager Mohammed

"In your first year at Vibe Group a lot of money and time is invested in your growth on personal and career level."


"Drive is in my blood, that's how I grew up. My parents fled from Iraq and had left all their belongings behind. In my youth, I watched my father work his way up from refugee to successful entrepreneur. So my goal is to achieve even more than my father as I get many opportunities here that he never had back then. 'Drive' is and will always be my driving force for everything. Privately and at work, purely because I want to prove myself and make my mark in life."


"Winning. Closing the deal and the many incentives (prizes you can win) that come with the job. Every "medal" I can win I fight for that. I also really see it as top sport. Every month a new tournament starts. And every year a new competition starts. Everyone is back to zero and has to prove themselves as hard as the year before."


"I exercise every day and the nice thing is that Vibe facilitates that in the form of a monthly contribution for a gym membership. We often join colleagues for sports at Club Sportive before working hours or just during breaks. But I also enjoy participating in the football league and other sports competitions that are organised. And of course a fresh smoothie every day for vitamins.


"Preferably the one made by our barista, but I also settle for the one from the machine. No milk, no sugar. I won't survive the day without coffee."


"That's easy: there's only one Mo and that's me."


"Growth is part of life. If you are not doing that, you stand still. From the moment you come into this world until you leave it again, you develop yourself. And that gives me zest for life. In your first year at Vibe Group, a lot of money and time is invested to help you grow personally and career-wise. Where are you now, where do you want to go, what do you find important, etcetera. The Learning & Development department does a lot for that within the Impact Journey. You will be prepared for the role of IT Sales Consultant and thus for the rest of your career." "From your first year at Vibe Group, a lot of money and time is invested to help you grow personally and career-wise."


"The IT market has developed tremendously in recent years and will continue to do so. The impact of IT on the development of the world is enormous. And the fact that Vibe Group plays a major role in this by placing IT professionals is something I like being able to contribute to. Because even though IT is central to society and the future, without the human aspect it is worth little."


"When I 'grow up' later, I will have my pilot's licence and be travelling around the world. That, as I see it now, is my lifegoal. It also seems very cool to be able to help younger people in their life journey in terms of personal development, based on my own experience and expertise. I am convinced that the growth I am now experiencing at Vibe Group is going to help me achieve that."