Champions League recruitment

At Vibe Group, we pride ourselves on our unique 'winning sales culture'. But what exactly does it entail? And why is it so successful? Martijn Goudswaard, Managing Director of Vibe Group Netherlands answered this during an inspiring interview with LinkedIn. Read a preview of what to expect in this interview here.

Your success is our success

Martijn emphasises the importance of creating a successful sales organisation. He believes that success for 'our Vibers' equals success for Vibe Group. We are in the 'Champions League' of the recruitment market, where talent is scarce and competition intense. In such a demanding environment, it is vital for people to flourish. We therefore offer comprehensive career programmes and mentoring. Those who excel are guaranteed to be rewarded with fast-track career opportunities.

Not for everyone

Martijn also points out that our corporate culture is not for everyone. And that is perfectly acceptable. Since 2011, Vibe Group has learned that those who fit with us not only stay, but thrive and prosper. However, this requires considerable dedication and commitment. Something that is not achievable for everyone.

AI revolution

When questioned about the biggest challenge, Martijn mentions Artificial Intelligence (AI). He believes AI will radically change our industry. While AI will not take over our work, he rather sees it as a valuable addition, similar to the impact of LinkedIn in the past. It will increase our productivity and help us prepare candidate matches. However, human engagement is still critical to our success.

Full interview?

Check out the interview on LinkedIn and find out more about our culture and vision.