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Applying for a job. How do you properly prepare for that crucial step towards your professional future? Our Talent Acquisition Team knows and regularly shares it on LinkedIn.
Shine at the right moment with these job application tips & tricks. And benefit from insights on how to get the most out of your career afterwards - once you are on the job. This is how you do it!
On this page you can read tips from our TA specialists
We have already written many articles about job applications, here are 3 examples. Read more below
You are going for a job interview: how do you approach this & how do you prepare yourself? Check out the 8 tips
A job interview is an important step in determining whether the company and you are a good match. Our colleagues conduct daily interviews with candidates and employers, paying attention not only to knowledge and skills, but especially to the match in company culture. We are happy to share our experience to help you find the perfect cultural match.
If you are building your career or your business, it is important to be able to communicate powerfully & clearly. Many of us tend to over-argue ourselves, too much so. Skirting around the message or naming fallacies only make you look implausible or defensive.By communicating defensively, you invalidate the message.
Say more by talking less
I would like to give you some tips to professionalise your CV and thus increase your chances of getting an invitation/call.
Although I prefer a conversation where you can shake hands, digital interviews are part of reality these days: sometimes it's just more convenient. In my role at Vibe Group, too, I make use of this when it is not otherwise possible.
Within my personal network, there are regularly people looking for a new job who like to ask me for tips
The job application question I get asked most often is:
If there is no feedback yet from the organisation you applied to, is it a good idea to call them?
(Whether that's a response to sending in your CV or the outcome of the application process)
In fact, my advice is always:
By adopting a proactive attitude, you show that you are not afraid to pick up the phone, to start the conversation and that you immediately know where you stand (or how long you still have to wait for the results).
Keep the following 3 things in mind:
Are you going for an interview somewhere and the process is not entirely clear? Ask what the application process looks like and when you can expect feedback!
Feel free to ask them
Do you have questions about Vibe Group, working at Vibe Group or want to know more first? For more information, feel free to contact us.
With your commercial mindset, we think you can become a Sales Consultant at Vibe Group. Check out the job profile of a Sales Consultant.