Vibe Group Privacy Statement

Vibe Group takes your privacy seriously. In this statement, we want to inform you about the ways in which and the purposes for which we process your personal data. Vibe Group adheres to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant privacy laws and regulations when processing your personal data. 

Who are we?

We are Vibe Group (hereafter referred to as Vibe Group, we or us). Vibe Group is an international organisation that provides IT staffing and consultancy services. Vibe Group differentiates itself by using subsidiaries (Brands) to focus on specific niches in the IT market. Our Brands are:

Visser & Van Baars: Intelligence, Data and Analytics 

Spilberg: IT Development and Testing 

Eswelt: ERP and CRM 

Tergos: IT Infrastructure and Cyber Security 

We process personal data when providing Vibe Group's services. For these processing operations, Vibe Group is the controller within the meaning of the GDPR. 

Personal data collection

Vibe Group collects your data in at least the following instances: 

  • You consent to cookies that collect your personal data when you visit one of our websites.
  • You contact us.
  • You register for an event organised by us.  
  • You join us as an employee.
  • You respond to a vacancy on our website or one of our vacancies on another job site.
  • We find your (online) profile and think you are suitable for and may be interested in our services or a position within Vibe Group, and we want to offer you our services.
  • We think that as a potential customer (or an employee of one) you may be interested in Vibe Group's services, and we want to offer you our services.
  • You are a contact of a client who uses our services.
  • You use our services when looking for or applying for a job or a contract. 

Processing purposes

Vibe Group processes personal data for the following and other purposes. If your personal data is processed for purposes not included in this privacy statement, you will be informed of this at another appropriate time, for example through Vibe Group's internal privacy statement when you join Vibe Group as an employee. 

Maintaining business relationships

Vibe Group processes personal data of business contacts and their employees in order to maintain these relationships properly. As regards business contacts, Vibe Group processes the following personal data of the individuals with whom it is in direct contact:

  • Name, position and employer
  • Business or personal telephone number and email address
  • The content of any mutual correspondence and corresponding notes

Vibe Group retains this personal data for as long as the business relationship is maintained.

The basis for this processing is our legitimate interest in maintaining our business relationships.

Service provision to clients

Vibe Group processes personal data of clients and their employees to facilitate our service provision, to make offers to potential clients and to be able to provide information about our services. Vibe Group processes the following personal data for this purpose:

  • Name, position and employer
  • Business or personal telephone number and email address
  • The content of any mutual correspondence and corresponding notes
  • Any other personal data provided by the client or its employee in the context of our service provision

Vibe Group retains this personal data for one year after we last used your data for the purpose described or for as long as is necessary to fulfil our legal obligations.

The basis for this processing is our legitimate interest in enabling our service provision. 

Service provision to candidates

Vibe Group processes personal data to find suitable candidates in order to meet the needs of our clients. In this regard, Vibe Group uses the personal data that you have sent to us, for example by applying for a job through our website, or personal data that you have disclosed publicly on the internet. 

As a candidate, your personal data will be used in the context of our service provision to inform you about our services, to determine your suitability for vacancies or contracts, to send you potentially interesting job updates, to introduce you - with your consent - to employers and clients you are interested in, to carry out pre-employment screenings (or have them carried out), and to approach you about events that may be of interest to you. 

In this regard, Vibe Group processes the following personal data of (potential) candidates:

  • Name, position, employer
  • Telephone number and email address
  • Curriculum vitae (CV), education, diplomas and certificates, skills, work experience, references, place of residence, presence of driving licence, language skills and other personal data necessary for assessing the suitability of candidates
  • The candidate’s wishes and preferences regarding the job or contract to be sought, such as (but not limited to) willingness to travel, salary expectations, options for working from home and sector preference  
  • The content of any mutual correspondence and corresponding notes
  • Nationality
  • Screening information where applicable
  • Any other information provided by the candidate in connection with the provision of services

Vibe Group retains this personal data for one year after we last used your data for the purpose described or for as long as is necessary to fulfil our legal obligations.

The basis for finding suitable candidates is our legitimate interest in meeting the needs of our clients. The basis for introducing you to clients or employers is the consent you give for this purpose. 

Applying for a job at Vibe Group

If you apply for an internal position at Vibe Group, Vibe Group processes your personal data to facilitate the application process. This includes assessing your suitability, possibly through screenings and/or assessments. Vibe Group processes the following personal data of job applicants in this regard:

  • Name, position, employer
  • Telephone number and email address
  • Curriculum vitae (CV), education, diplomas and certificates, skills, work experience, references, place of residence, possession of a driving licence, language skills and other personal data necessary for assessing the suitability of applicants
  • The content of any mutual correspondence and corresponding notes
  • Nationality
  • Screening information where applicable
  • Results of assessments when applicable
  • Other data you have provided in the context of the job application

Vibe Group retains this personal data for this purpose for four weeks or, with your consent, for one year after completing the application process.

The basis for processing personal data for the application process is the necessity of the processing for the possible conclusion of the employment contract between the applicant and Vibe Group. The basis for assessing and possibly screening candidates is our legitimate interest in recruiting potential new employees and being able to assess their suitability. 

Placement of independent professionals

If you start working with one of our clients through us as an independent professional, Vibe Group processes the personal data listed below in order to perform the agreement you have concluded with Vibe Group as an independent professional. In addition, Vibe Group may process your name and declared hours for the purpose of internal management reports. The personal data that Vibe Group may process to enable the conclusion and performance of your agreement with Vibe Group as an independent professional is as follows:

  • Name, position, client
  • Telephone number and email address
  • Address details
  • Financial and banking information
  • Declared hours
  • Proof of insurance
  • Place and date of birth
  • The content of any mutual correspondence and corresponding notes
  • Nationality
  • Document number, document type, country and date of issue and period of validity of your identity document
  • Photo ID and a photo of you in order to verify your identity prior to the contract
  • Screening information where applicable
  • Copy of highest diploma obtained
  • Other data you have provided in the context of the service provision

Vibe Group retains this personal data for a maximum of two years after the end of the contract, or for as long as is necessary to fulfil our statutory obligations. The data used for identification purposes when entering into the agreement - more specifically, the photo you take of yourself and the photo of your ID - will be retained for 30 days after your identity has been verified.  

The basis for this processing is the necessity of processing in order to perform the agreement we have concluded with you as an independent professional. The basis for the processing of your data for management reports is our legitimate interest in being able to provide Vibe Group's management with the information needed to run the organisation. 


If you visit our website, we place cookies in your browser. See our cookie statement for more information about these cookies, the data they collect and how long it is kept.

Cookies that collect personal data are only placed with your consent. 

Contact and complaint handling

If you contact Vibe Group using a contact form on the website, or by emailing us directly or by telephoning one of Vibe Group's offices, we (may) process your personal data to deal with your contact request or complaint. To provide you with the best possible service, we may process the following data:

  • Name, position, employer
  • Address details, telephone number and email address
  • The nature of the contact request
  • The content of any mutual correspondence and corresponding notes 

We retain this data for as long as necessary in order to deal with your contact request or complaint. We delete data that is no longer needed for that purpose no later than one year after having obtained it. 

The basis of this processing is our legitimate interest in properly dealing with contact requests and complaints, or where applicable, the necessity for an agreement or concluding an agreement to which you are a party. 

Dealing with requests from data subjects

If you contact us to exercise your rights as a data subject, we process your personal data to allow your request to be properly dealt with, to maintain our records of those requests and to provide evidence that we have complied with them. When the request is a request for erasure of personal data, we retain a record in our database to ensure continued compliance with your request.  We process the following personal data for this purpose:

  • Name
  • Telephone number and email address
  • The nature of the request
  • The content of any mutual correspondence and corresponding notes

We keep this data for 10 years after dealing with your request. The basis for this processing is our legal duty to deal with requests from data subjects.


We use the reCAPTCHA service provided by Google Inc. (Google) to protect our website from spam and abuse. For Google reCAPTCHA to work, a website visitor's IP address, mouse movements and possibly other data is collected. This information is sent to and processed by Google for this purpose. By analysing this information, Google can discern whether we are dealing with a real website visitor or a robot. For more information, please refer to Google's privacy statement.

Social media buttons

Sharing with third parties

When we share personal data with third parties

In the context of job placement services, Vibe Group shares your data with clients and potentially with external screening agencies if you have indicated to us that you would like to be introduced to a client for a job or a contract. 

Personal data may be shared with clients via the client portal if you start working for a client through us as an independent professional.

Personal data may be shared with third parties if we are required to do so based on a statutory obligation or a court order. 

Personal data may be shared between Vibe Group's member legal entities.

Vibe Group may transfer your personal data to organisations outside the European Union. If there is no adequacy decision for the country where this organisation is located, standard clauses (also called "Standard Contractual Clauses" or "SCCs") will be used.

Our database is hosted in the United Kingdom. The European Commission has issued an adequacy decision designating the United Kingdom as a country with an adequate level of data protection. 


Security of personal data:

Vibe Group makes every effort to protect your personal data from loss, unlawful access and modification. Multi-factor authentication and role-based access control (RBAC), for example, are used for this purpose. Vibe Group employees are bound by a confidentiality agreement.  

Rights of data subjects

You have the following rights when Vibe Group processes your personal data:

  • the right to access your personal data
  • the right to the rectification of your personal data if the data we have about you is incorrect or out of date
  • the right to have your personal data deleted
  • the right to restrict our processing of your personal data
  • the right to object to the processing of your personal data
  • the right to transfer your personal data (or have it transferred) (data portability)

If you would like to exercise your rights, please feel free to contact us using the contact information found at the bottom of this privacy statement. 

We may ask you to confirm your identity before we can approve your request. 

Automated decision-making

Vibe Group does not use exclusively automated decision-making. 

Contact details

If you have any questions or comments or want to file a complaint, please feel free to contact us. 

Vibe Group Netherlands B.V.
Vibe Group Belgium N.V.
Vibe Group Deutschland GmbH
Supervisory authority

If you have any complaints, you can also file them with the supervisory authority in your country.

The Netherlands

  • Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (the Dutch Data Protection Authority)


  • Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit (the Belgian Data Protection Authority)


  • Die Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen



Vibe Group may amend this Privacy Statement if we consider that necessary. 

This Privacy Statement was most recently amended on 20 February 2024.