What characterizes Vibe for Femke?
Vibe Group experiences - Femke Mastbooms
You see, a large part of the day is spent approaching potential candidates and maintaining relationships. This is often done over the phone but these days, fortunately, we can also schedule face-to-face meetings again. That makes the work dynamic! Furthermore, I find the fine cooperation with all colleagues very characteristic. Everyone supports and motivates each other: that has been decisive for me. I myself had a certain image of recruitment, which turned out to be very different at Vibe Group. The approach to clients or IT professionals is not intrusive. I call once or twice and that's it. It has to be a good collaboration and not because I am 'harassing' someone."
"Being sociable and having an open attitude. I immediately felt included in the team. That attitude is typical for a Viber. Here, people don't compete with each other, you grant each other things and celebrate wins together. You help each other in the process. Furthermore, everyone has a huge dose of perseverance. Every little victory counts and is celebrated. That helps you persevere for longer. You need that positivity to be successful."
"Chaotic. My diary is like a colouring book. I work with lots of colours, so I know exactly when to do what. Clients, candidates, to-do's, meetings: everything has its own colour. It looks chaotic to others, but gives me overview and peace of mind. It's my own structure that works well. And I never let my head hang easily. I stay calm in things and don't get ahead of myself. You shouldn't cheer too early."
"An open personality. It's nice if you can speak to anyone. Whether it is a manager of a big company or an intern. Everyone is the same, but respect towards individuals is important. You have to be able to level with the person in front of you. It doesn't matter who you speak to then. In recruitment, that is one of the most important skills as far as I am concerned."
"When it comes to a contract negotiation in the process, it is common for a candidate to then share his/her (desired) employment package. Sometimes it does happen that a candidate does not want to share that information. However, a client makes a proposal based on the information provided by the candidate. When this happened recently, I conducted a benchmark study myself and sat down with all parties involved to still come up with a good proposal. After all, the match was perfect so I was sure I had to go all out for this. In the end, there was a proposal from the client that the candidate was super happy with and she accepted the job. That gave me so much pleasure!"
"Authenticity. From day 1 that I stepped in here, I was able to be myself. So I am very chaotic and messy but no problem was made of that because I found a good way of working on my own. Not once did I feel I had to pretend to be different. You are really appreciated here for who you are."
"I mediate in permanent contracts and these are longer processes than for temporary assignments. When such a process is completed and the candidate thanks me for finding them their dream job, it really gives me a kick. Candidates often comment that they probably wouldn't have found that job themselves. I sometimes get to play an important role in someone's career. I really find that 'madness'!"
Then read the interviews with these Vibers: