Vibe Group Experiences Britt van der Klink

Britt van der Klink can be herself full-time at Vibe

Read more about her experiences and motivations.

CV Britt van der Klink

  • BORN on 14th of April 1995
  • STARTED on 1st of March 2021 as an IT Sales Consultant
  • IS Viber & Team Manager at Spilberg
  • WAS a Master's student of Labour Law & Business Law at the University of Amsterdam
  • WORKS at Vibe Group's Amsterdam office in the Zuidas business district
  • IS KNOWN for my energy and open attitude. I am very accessible and make no distinction
    between young and old
  • LOVES cheese and red wine
  • MOTTO You are what you do, not what you say you will do.
  • LINKEDIN Britt van der Klink 

What characterises Vibe for you?

What characterises Vibe for you?

"Nothing is unachievable here. You don't have to wait to progress. Depending on your own performance, you can be promoted. That makes you responsible for your own growth. I expressed that I wanted to be promoted within a year. That's fast but you can make it happen. You can realise your own ambitions if you work hard enough."

The experience of

Britt van der klink

“Authenticity. That's my greatest strength. I never play a role.”

The experience of

Britt van der klink

"A lot of sports activities are organised by Vibe. This creates a kind of Vibe community. Vibe really provides an extension of your social life."

The experience of

Britt van der klink

“Nothing is unachievable here. You don't have to wait to progress. Depending on your own performance, you can be promoted."

For me, that means the will to win but not at any cost. A Viber is open to making each other better and taking each other to the next level. Of course, you do it mostly by yourself but not alone. You need colleagues to perform better yourself. That also means that you have to be able to deal with feedback, but at the same time you have a lot of positivity around you because everyone goes for it. It's a matter of getting energy and giving it back.

"I do everything with full conviction. I am very much on the personal connection with everyone. From colleagues to IT professionals, and from managers to clients. Showing genuine interest is really my vibe. I know everything about a candidate, from when they are going on holiday to their birthday, and send thoughtful messages accordingly."

"Focus. And that can be in a different area for everyone. As long as you keep focus you can be successful. Furthermore, it is also imperative that you have the perseverance to continuously improve yourself."


"A while ago, I picked up a candidate at home in Amsterdam Noord to take him to an interview in Hilversum. I waited there for two hours and then took him home again. He had broken his leg and wanted to cancel the interview. He is through to the next round so soon I will bring him again as he is still with his leg in plaster. Then it will be a six-hour assessment and I will just work there while waiting for him."


"Authenticity. That's my greatest strength. I never play a role. Sometimes I'm a bit of a caricature of myself. I can really be a type. But, always myself and people like that. What you see is what you get."


"Not the money. I need pressure and deadlines to get the best out of myself. Unfortunately, it is still not always tolerated in this society if, as a woman, you say you want to be the best and reach the top, but at Vibe you are able to say things like that. You can and may be the best here. Nobody stands in the way of your success here."


"Growth and development are very important to me. I very much recognise that I am at the beginning of my career. Therefore, I want to suck up what knowledge I can get from this organisation. It really is a great learning environment. Just let me work very hard so that I can benefit from it for the rest of my life. During the first months, you are well supported and guided from the Learning & Development department. I was really forced to look into a mirror because I never had that kind of guidance. Very confronting, but even more valuable."

More about development at Vibe


"My flame lights up when I think about the future. As I mentioned earlier, here you are really responsible for the steps you make and so you need your flame to realise them. IT is the future and I love it when people have or find job happiness and I can contribute to that. When you then get messages that someone is very happy with their new challenge, it's very nice to hear."


"Being able to manage people. Everyone has a different style and it is very logical to project your own way of working onto someone but if you can immerse yourself in someone else's style, that is of so much more value. That's really a skill I would like to develop."

Vibe Match

"It's all nice those job offers and the great stories but you have to fit the Vibe, and Vibe has to fit you. So come for a coffee and feel whether Vibe is also your Vibe. Follow your own feelings but also dare to take a risk. Dare to step out of your comfort zone. I did and I haven't regretted it for a second."


"I do a lot of sports and Vibe organises a lot of sports activities so that's really nice. It creates a kind of Vibe community. Because of the sports but of course also the many get-togethers. Vibe really provides an extension of your social life."


"My Rotterdam directness combined with a touch of Amsterdam flair"